- Sold
S. H. Raza
Om, 15 ¾ x 15 7/8 Inches, Acrylic on Canvas, 2004
Annual Show 2004, exhibition catalogue, Mumbai, 2004 (illustrated, unpaginated)
SH RAZA: Nirantar, exhibition catalogue, New Delhi, 2016, p. 56 (illustrated)
This work will be included in S H Raza: Catalogue Raisonné, 2000 – 2010 (Volume IV) by Anne Macklin on behalf of The Raza Foundation, New Delhi
“Bindu is a source of energy, source of life. Life begins here, attains infinity here”. S.H. Raza - The man who saw the universe in a bindu.
A restless soul that he was, his primary schoolteacher once asked him to continuously look at a dot on the wall inside the classroom to calm his mind. It was a little exercise that was to change the meaning of life for Raza, who turned the simple bindu into a work of art before raising it to the status of life itself.